Sunday, June 29

Have You Ever Thought of This?

One of the trillions of things your body does without so much as a conscious thought from you, is to replace dead and dying cells with new, healthy cells.
It’s happening right now. Even more so when you sleep: New intestine lining, every 2-3 days. New stomach lining, every 5 days. New skin, every 28 days. New liver, every 42 days. New bone, every 90 days. New red blood cells, every 120 days.
Your body creates 1,000,000,000 new cells every hour. Over time, this renewal process replaces the old you with a whole new you. This is what allows us to heal. It’s also why continued chiropractic care can be so helpful.
Your body relies on your current pattern and structure as a guide for the placement of new cells. Regular chiropractic care helps establish new, healthier patterns and structures. This is why ongoing chiropractic care, even when you don’t have an obvious ache or pain, can be beneficial. This has created an entirely new way to see health. It’s called: wellness.

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